Newbury Clay Hill
Nigel Foot & Stuart Gourley
Nigel has lived in Newbury for 8 years, having previously worked in the town for 25 years. He lives with his wife Sarah, and is currently a Newbury Town Councillor.
Nigel is passionate about the environment and fighting climate change, helping secure more affordable housing through the planning process and encouraging the Clay Hill community to work together for the benefit of our area.

Stuart has lived in Newbury for the last 5 years with his partner and 2 young sons, having worked in Newbury for almost 10 years.
A Town Councillor for Clay Hill since winning a by-election in 2021, Stuart has been busy working hard across the ward on protecting our Clay Hill waterways and green spaces, working to reduce speeding across the ward, and improve the state of our roads, footways and parks.